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Subcategory: Stamps (Unused)x
Country: Taiwanx
Keyword: 臺灣x
Uploader: NIKKO
Year: 1888 CE
Century: 19 CE
Country: Taiwan
臺灣龍馬郵票為臺灣首任巡撫劉銘傳創辦臺灣郵政時所印製的郵票。1888年(光緒14年)劉銘傳委託淡水英國領事館交由英國倫敦的韋斯特尼(Percy W. Wastnage)印製。可能是因為所要印製的工藝技術過高,韋斯特尼又把這筆生意轉交給專門印製鈔票的伯雷特伯
Uploader: NIKKO
Year: 1895 CE
Century: 19 CE
Country: Taiwan
Formosan Republic (台灣民主國, literally Democratic State of Taiwan) was a short-lived state that existed between the formal cession
Uploader: NIKKO
Year: 1945 CE
Century: 20 CE
Country: Taiwan
Taiwan local stamps (Japanese: 台湾地方切手), also known as Taiwan numeric stamps (中文: 台灣數字郵票) by the philatelist community in Taiwan,
Uploader: NIKKO
Year: 1985 CE
Century: 20 CE
Country: Taiwan
為表彰赫德對中華郵政事業之貢獻與勞績,印製2元面值紀念郵票1種。是項郵票係以赫德肖像作中心主題,配襯其親筆簽名及中國第1枚郵票「大龍」圖案。 中國現代郵政創辦者---英人赫德(Rober Hart, 1835一1911),弱冠之年來華,初任外交官,繼


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